Sunday, January 17, 2010

Story : Evening under Frangipani

Conflicts External – Elaine and Prakash fought because he laughed at her hands while she was being so romantic to him.
External – Elaine’s mother doesn’t really like Prakash. She thinks that he is slow and stupid, and even imagined him as physically aggressive.
Internal – Prakash wanted to give up, yet he didn’t, he went to look for Elaine in the end.

Climax - When Prakash laughed at Elaine’s hands and from then, she started to ignore him. And when Prakash found out that a man sent Elaine home.

Resolution - Complete Resolution.
Elaine did not want to see Prakash again.
Prakash decided not to be dependent on Elaine and decided if he was to meet Elaine again, it would be by chance. That was the end of their relationship.

Name Character Page No.
Prakash He is a nervous-wreck
(during job interview) Pg27
(Had to memorise what he was going to say for the interview) Pg49
(He was a platoon commander) Pg48
Father Not judgemental
(Gentle towards Prakash) Pg60
(Towards insects and bugs) Pg
Humble, Easy going
(Anxious for a quiet life) Pg55
Mother Judgemental
(Sees class difference) Pg
(Considered Prakash slow and stupid just because she was a lawyer and he just passed his diploma) Pg48, 83
(Trying to appear not smug but concerned) Pg84
Elaine Strong Willed
(Doesn’t want to talk to Prakash although she misses him) Pg63
(Just because Prakash laughed at her hands, she resolved not to see him again) Pg62, 63
(Ignore calls from Prakash) Pg64
Story: Evening under Frangipani

The most interesting part I find in this story was when Prakash went to look for Elaine after they fought, and he found that another guy actually sent Elaine home. What was Prakash thinking during that moment? Did he regret and felt guilty during that moment where he laughed at Elaine’s hands and said they felt like beetles? Did he actually want to ask Elaine out again before he saw what had happened?

Story: Lee

Conflicts External – Li Wen’s father did not like her dressing and they argued about it.
External – Li Wen did not believe in God, whereas her father believed so, and he wanted her to believe in it too.
Internal – Li Wen’s father tried to make her look like a local, but it was harder than he thought.

Climax - When Li Wen didn’t talk to her father for 2 weeks, except in tones of exaggerated politeness.

Resolution - Open ended Resolution.
We do not know if Li Wen had finally listen to her father in the end, as it said he could still see the lighted window hovering in a corner of his mind. And in literature, a light could mean anything.

Name Character Pg No.
Father Caring
(He allowed Li Wen to live with him, instead of leaving her alone after her mother, which was his ex-wife, drowned accidently.) Pg85, 86
(When Li Wen shouted at him, he endured and did not make a huge fuss out of it.) Pg98
(He tried to interest Li Wen in her culture and talk about Chinese stories during dinner.) Pg102
Li Wen Rude
(She keeps swearing, for example, What the hell and Jesus Christ.) Pg103
Straight forward
(When her father mentioned about her mother, blaming her mother for his daughter’s behaviour, she just answered back: “That’s sick.” without thinking.) Pg103
(She lost her temper and gave her father a twisted, half sneer, James Dean scorching look, heavily nasty.) Pg97

The most interesting part I find in this story was when Li Wen started living with her father after not meeting each other for eight years and how she slowly changed herself to adapt in Singapore. Even trying to accept her own Chinese culture after living in America since she was young and mixing with them. And how she coped with her mother’s death, moved on with her life and everything with her father.

Story : Release

Conflicts :
Eileen & the Female Neighbour (Pg 140 & 141)
- The neighbour compared Eileen together with their dog as they were both pregnant , this showed a form of disrepect .
Eileen & her Husband (Pg 140 & 141)
- Her husband was irritated by the fact that Eileen forgotten to collect his suit .
Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 141)
- They cut down her guava tree while she was at the supermarket .
Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 142)
- They moved into their property when they were away .
Eileen & her husband (Pg 143)
- Philip was angry over the fact that Eileen were taking trival matters so seriously .

Climax : (Climax ; Pg 145 & 146)
- When Eileen couldn’t take it any more , she decided to do something about it , she decided to wait for the person who gave the dogs their food , to do something to solve the problem .
Resolution : Open – Ended (Pg 148)
- The problem is only partially solved . It is only partially solved because , the dogs are quiet now , but they are already dead as the man used the tools to kill them .

Characters :
1) Eileen

Friendly (Pg 139)
- She went over to say hi to her new neighbours when they were moving in .
Petty (Pg 142)
- Her neighbour only intruded a small section of her garden and she became all furious and agitated .
Patient (Pg 144)
- She talks and rock her baby even though it keeps crying .

2) Philip
Petty (Pg 141)
- Just because it slipped Eileen’s mind to collect his suit , he became angry .
Understanding (Pg 143)
- He was telling Eileen to let their neighbours to have that tiny bit of space since they don’t do gardening anyway .

3) The man who took care of the dogs
Kind (Pg 146)
- He offered to carry Eileen’s baby , and he even stroked the baby’s cheek .
Understanding (Pg 147)
- He agreed to shift the dogs to another place , to help Eileen solve her problem .
Evil (Pg 148)
- He killed the puppies one by one to silence them .

The most interesting segment is when Eileen gotton very fustrated / angry with the dog’s noise . She couldn’t take it anymore for any longer , she called the police to help & even thought of calling the spca to help resolve the problem . Calling the police to solve this trival matter , is a little uncommon . She was showing signs that she was slowly becoming mad because all she wanted , is to let her & her baby to catch some sleep .

Story : Pastime

Conflicts :

Mr Lee & Tai Poh (External)
- There was a psychological conflict as they try to trick each other into admitting to something .
Mr Lee & Tai Poh (Internal)
- Mr Lee was laughing on on the inside as he thinks that he thinks that Tai Poh has failed in trying to fool him .

The start of the climax is when Mr. Lee started on his own “Story”

Resolution :
Nothing changed as its just a story, it was just a past time and nothing was real .

Characters :
Tai Poh

Quiet (Pg 212)
- He did not talk to the passengers nor disturb them in any way.
Observant (Pg 212)
- He watched and carefully considered before he picked the person to feature in his story .
Secretive (Pg 217)
- He stopped to check his face , it betrayed nothing nor let anyone know anything through his face expressions .

Mr Lee
Vigilant (Pg 216)
- He was prepared .
Cunning (Pg 217)
- It betrayed nothing and he expected it , he was not simple minded . After living through so many years this way , he could not be simple minded .

The most interesting segment is when Mr Lee started his story about the man that works as a security manager in a large wafer fab plan . He talked about how important the job of a security guard is and he then goes on about the plan to make a lot of money ,which is enough for a few people to retire . I think it’s the most interesting part of the story is when Mr Lee was telling his story , we can see how Tai Poh’s expressions change from laid back to guilty and frightened . As though he was scared of being tricked into admitting to something he shouldn’t .

Story : A History Of Tea

Conflicts :
Cimax :
Resolution : Complete Ending
- All the conflicts are resolved and when the narrator opened his cup of tea , he saw his relatives and the life that would appear before him before it happened .

Characters :

Simple (Pg 108)
- He did not use a mug that had complicated patterns , whereas Beverly used a mug that was beautiful and had fanciful designs on it .

Funny ; Good sense of humour (Pg 109)
- She laughed at a joke , “not my cup of tea” .

The most interesting segment is when Beverly had a good sense of humour , she made a joke about the cup of tea , of being not her “cup of tea” .

Story : An Orbituary For Fifth Aunt Came Late

Conflicts :
Aunt (Internal)
- She shocked herself with her power of speech . She could only calm herself down with a trip to the sink , plowing her hands into dishes and dish-soiled water .
Mother & Her Children (Pg 152)
- The mother contionously bewailed her lot of nine children , thirteen is you counted the dead babies with endless chores and drudgery .
Mother & Husband (External) (Pg 152)
- The tight-lipped husband who positioned himself at the dinner-table-the-bed-out-the-front-door , who even she stopped simpering to when he opened his mouth and said “tea” or “hungry already” , and it then fell upon her to break the code .
Aunt & Her Mother (External) (Pg 152)
- When she was six years old, my aunt developed a bronchial cough that wouldnt go away even after taking weeks of murky, dark brews . The concoctions were so foul-smelling (smelly) and bitter and no amount of sugar could make them palatable . Don’t waste our sugar , her mother said , your brothers need the sugar for their school sandwiches .
Climax :
Resolution :

Characters :
Fifth Aunt

Fillial (Pg 149)
- My aunt was in her fifties , she lived in my grandmother’s house .
Un-Feminine (Pg 150)
- She used her hand to wipe her upper lip instead of using a hankerchief .
Caring (Pg 150)
- She would put others before herself , she would fill everyone’s bowl before filling hers .

Disrespectful (Pg 149)
- She was my aunt , but I didn’t make it a point to be her niece .
Nonchalance (Pg 149 – 150)
- I suppose I couldn’t be heard , so I didn’t think very much either .

Whiny (Pg 152)
- The mother contonously bewailed her lot of nine children .

Traditional (Pg 152)
- She preferred boys and showed favourtism , she said don’t waste our sugar , your brothers need the sugar for their sandwhiches .

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