Tuesday, June 29, 2010

1. In your opinion , how key is the parent-child relationship to Vinod's inevitable end?

In my opinion, Vinod's parents gave him the education and oppotunities that many others would love to have, but they have neglected what he wants, which is love, instead, and puts pressure on him to become what they want.

They think that by giving him education and pushing him to the top, being very successful, would make him happy. But little do they know that he does not want the certificates only, but most importantly the love from his friends and parents that he desires and longs for. He studied for his parent's sake, trying to make them happy, thus causing the emense pressure and stress that led him to depression and finally his tragic suicide.

Although there are other factors that contributed to his suicide, his parents were the ones that pushed him to his limits and even after he falls into depression, they do not want to face the truth and continues to push him by sending him overseas, the USA to study. This eventually led to his suicide.

2. 'Vinod's high expectation oh himself caused his downfall." To what extent do you agree with the analysis of Vinod's predicament and tragedy?

I agree to large extent with the analysis. His desperation to reintegrate into the society has caused his illness to worsen because of the physical consequences, for example, people shun him when they see his hands tremble, a side-effect of the medicine as a result he opposes consuming medicine which is necessary to control the symptoms of the illness. His rejection to the medicine can be seen when he said “They see my hands tremble, my eyes sleepy sleepy they will avoid me."

His relationship between Saloma and him is like a project for him. To him Saloma is a lost kitten he has found, one that he had to protect and shield from the cruel world. Without the friendship and being needed, he has no purpose in life. Saloma is his centre. It is clear that Vinod regards Saloma as his inferior in terms of education. He often treat her as someone who needs information, and frequently displays his knowledge about books and philosophy. It is also apparent that Vinod regards he as an inferior in terms of mental girth, which is why he is so devastated when he realizes that she has become stronger than he is after the robbery.

Vinod’s presumptuous air of superiority pushes him to reject Saloma when she becomes stronger than him. Instgead of being happy for Saloma when she finally makes progress to be reintegrated into society, Vinod becomes unhappy, even distraught. He hurts her by hurling insults and discouraging her like saying “Great! Saloma Nightingale. Who will faint first? The person receiving the injection or the person giving it?”

His inability to protect Saloma and Saloma slowly reintegrating into the society made him feel inferior to her. His failure to become “centre” has made him suicidal with his rejection to medicine. Thus lead to his downfall. Therefore I agree to a large extent to the analysis of his high expectation leading him to his downfall.

3. Discuss the reasons for Saloma's transformation in the play.

Saloma changes from a shy girl to one who survives from mental illness. She's even able to reason out with mak at the end. as she expresses her desires to live.

The first turning point for Saloma is when she meets Emily at the halfway house. Even though she starts out using the mantra, Emily taught tentatively, she does turn out to be the stronger chatracter between her and Vinod. For instance, although Vinod is the better educated one between the two, Saloma is one who is set on writing to the newspaper to address the discrimination against mental patients.

When Vinod shuts himself in his room, Saloma grows desperate without him. What becomes the turning point for her, pushing out to face the real world, is the bird in her room. Whether this bird is real or a figment of her imagination is not the point.

This marks the second turning point for Saloma because before Vinod withdrew from the world, including her, she did not know what to do with her self, even where to go or what to do.

One night also argue that Mak is a reason for Saloma's transformation and survival. After all, Mak is constantly reminding her of her need to turn to God, an idea which Saloma accepts and even repeats to Vinod.

4. "Though a minor role in the play , the character Razali is the key to the plot of off centre." To what extent do you agree with this assement?

I do not agree with this assement to a large extend. To Saloma, Razali plays a role as her dad, he is the one who buys epok epok (curry puff) for her, which her real father did, one who talks to her, gives her advices and says what she wants to hear. He fufills the role of showing fatherly love to Saloma.

However, to Vinod, Razali plays the role of someone who is supposed to protect the community as he is a security guard and by right should protect everyone in the community. However during the robber incident, he fails to protect them both, Vinod and Saloma, thus Vinod blames him for not being there when they needed him the most.

Vinod was also tested against his manhood when the robber said "Your boyfriend coward ah?" and "Your boyfriend got balls anot?". This sentence affected him a lot and he finally breaks down, reminding him of the similar series of events which he faced when he went back to army. PC asked Vinod, Are you a man or not Vinod?" Razali plays a role to help both Vinod and Saloma, but not to a large extend, therefore he is not the key to the plot of off centre.

5. "Datta , Dayadhvam , Damyata" means to "Give , Sympathise , Control". How did the major characters in the play exert control in their enviroment and / or their lives? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

Major characters like Vinod exert control in their environment by his intelligence. As a person who thought that his life was over when he didn't get straight As for his A levels, met Saloma whose education level was only up till VITB, he uses his intelligence to "show off" to Saloma as he feels that Saloma had become the stray kitten he found in the middle of the expressway. He would give his reasons/lectures to Saloma on why the Gods are not good. Eg: The indian boy whose head got chop off by his own father because he didn't allow him into the house because he obey his mother because she said not to allow anybody to the house when she's taking a bath.Vinod exert control in his live by being the better/smarter person between the both off centre person, namely himself and Saloma.

As for Saloma, she exerts control by asking Vinod to take his medication. Like the medicine could help him get better but he think otherwise. She also exerts control at the last part of the play by asking Vinod to go the the dance with her when he didn't want to as he felt useless after the robbery. In her life, Saloma exert control when mak ask her to stop taking the medicine as she feel that her own daughter is not mad at all and taking the medicine would not help. Saloma didn't listen to mak and this is how she exert control.

6. Based on the text Off Centre, discuss how peer acceptance and family support are vital to social status and mental well-being.

Vinod's parents' marked absence in the play reveals their non-involvement in Vinod's life . They always leave Vinod alone to his own devices most of the time . Instead of being worried that Vinod has been shutting himself in room for weeks , they feel annoyed because they think that Vinod is taking advantage of their patience . He desires love and warmth but they are very proper and distant because of their high status . Therefore , Vinod is unable to get love and warmth from his parents and this is one of the reason that led to his death because of the abandonment from his parents .During Vinod's JC days , Charlie , Denise and Johnson were close to Vinod as they were in the same class .

They associated with him because of his literary brillance and often made photocopies of his excellent work as model essays to learn from . However , after Vinod's nervous breakdown , they ceased contact with him . When Vinod met them at the NUS , Vinod realises that people will always remember and remind him of his breakdown . This is why Vinod believes he will never be able to get past his history and move on normally as he gets negative reactions from ex-classmates .From here , we can state that peer acceptance and family support is very important .

Sunday, June 27, 2010

- Act2 Scene3 Page 63
"Saloma had become the stray kitten he found in the middle of the expressway."
(Vinod feels that he need to look after her, shield her from the cruel world and make her laugh,
which shows that he likes to have the responsibility to takecare of someone.)

- Act2 Scene3 Page 72
"Then everybody read and say, "Wah!! They can write!"
(Majority of the society thinks that they are stupid)

- Act1 Scene1 Page 7

"What are you suffering from?"
(Vinod is the one who pick up the courage to ask Saloma)

- Act1 Scene4 Page 39
"So many months you never pray"
(Saloma's mother is religious)

- Act5 Scene3 Page 129
"We're f***king Singaporeans and Asian societies can't touch touch hug hug right?!!"

(Shows how much Vinod wants people to show love and care for him)

Page 15
"Caroline's daily effort to laugh George's scruples into absurdity."

(Caroline's point of view was to laugh at George's observant detail about his mother's illness)

Page 179
"Mummy will pay for your education. You study hard, you can go any university."
(The author is very determined.)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

1) Paper
Quote : "You're a show off, what's so grand about marble flooring and a swimming pool?"
(Pg 3)
Reason : Mother thinks it's not necessary whereas Tay Soon and Yee Lian wants it.

2) The Martyrdom of Helena Rodrigues
Quote : Artless, gentle flow of conversation.
(Pg 11)
Reason : It shows that Helena is not commited to the conversation.

3) Sundowner
Quote : "No doctor, tuan, but the bidan says Tijah is all right."

(Pg 23)
Reason : It shows that Aman has traditional thinking, as said, bidan.

4) Tanjong Rhu
Quote : "Things you can buy, I do not need."
(Pg 30)
Reason : It shows that Mr Li's mother is satisfied with what she has, such as basic needs.

5) Evening Under Frangipani
Quote : "He paused, not sure what to say."
(Pg 59)
Reason : It shows that Elaine's mother had shot him with questions that Prakash did not know how to answer and made him embarrass.

6) Lee
Quote : "Then you can shove it!"
(Pg 98)
Reason : It shows that Lee is rude, she shouts at her father.

7) A History of Tea
Quote : "Uncle Raja was the oily man."
Reason : It shows that Beverly's grandmother dislikes Uncle Raja.

8) A Dream of China
Quote : "China lay heavy on my father's conscience."
(Pg 125)
Reason : It shows how much China meant to the author's father.

9) Release
Quote : "Everynight for a month she had been trying to catch whatever sleep."
(Pg 143)
Reason : It shows how desperate Elieen is to get some sleep.

10) An Obituary for Fifth Aunt Come Late
Quote : "I didn't make it a point to be her niece."
(Pg 149)
It shows that the author is not close to her aunt at all.

11) Corridor
Quote : "There's nothing that I want."
(Pg 164)
Reason : It shows that Mak just wanted to be home, not going out to Jarkata.

12) Mid-Autumn
Quote : "I couldn't do the job I love."
(Pg 180)
Reason : This shows that the narrator is a loving and dedicated mother.

13) Hamid and the Hand of fate
Quote : "Felt like fleeing when anyone of them warmed up."
(Pg 197)
Reason : It shows that Hamid is shy and has lack of confidence.

14) The Move
Quote : "Ma ! You are not taking those footstools!", "I've sat on them since I was a baby!"
(Pg 204)
Reason : It shows that Tommy does not really treasure the old things.

15) Past Time
Quote : "The system is too intricate."
Reason : It shows that Singapore's system is very strict.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Q 1. Do the respective authors use these traditional Chinese rituals (eating paper dissolved in drink, burning of paper money and houses, lightinng of joss-sticks and praying to dead ancestors) just for irony or for more profound purposes? What are these purposes?

A : It is more for profound purposes as it is mainly practiced by Buddhists. For the story Tanjong Rhu, Madam Li often make her way to the ancestral room to 'communicate' or 'speak' to Mr Li's father, which have passed away. She did not go to the extent to drink eating paper dissolved in it, but she did commence the daily ritual of lighting up the joss-stick and praying to the dead. Therefore, these tradional practices are practiced by Madam Li for it's the only way she can communicate with people she have loved and died.

Q 2. Would you yourself, as a mordern young Singaporean, see the relevance of such cultural rituals as necessary still, or are a hindrance to progress and enlightened thinking?

A : I personally think that it is alright to have such cultural rituals being practiced in my soceity as it is their traditional. It is not seen as a hindrance to progress and enlightened thinking for it is not a sin to prcatice their own cultural rituals. Many may find it a trouble to do all this rituals but these simple rituals may have brought the family closer as they can have one more topic to talk on. Overtime, as the society progresses, this rituals may disappear as many youngsters do find it a hindrance. However, when the elderly practices these rituals, there are many disadvantages to it like creating a hindrance, to others, which may find them boring to carry out this practices everytime.

Q 3. Do you think the elderly in Singapore are out of touch with the contemporary world? How far is it a virtue to remain contented likd old Mrs Li and think that there is nothing more than a person, especially an elderly one, can want?

A : I do not think all elderly in Singapore are out of touch with the contemporary world. Many of the elderly still do interact with their grandchildren when they have time and they still do catch up with the mordern times like these.However, some elderly still do carry traditional and out-dated thoughts in their mind which makes many think that elderly in Singapore at out of touch with the contemporary world. It may be quite difficult for a vitue to remain contended like old Mrs Li and think that there is nothing more that a person can want. In modern times like this, many are not easily satisfacted. they demand more from their surroundings, thus it is far from easy for a virtue to remain contented.

Q 4. Is looking back at the past necessarily a good thing? This particular story uses the past to affirm strong ties, emotion and sentiment, but when can it become a negative habit?

A : Looking back at the past can be a good thing. Remembering all the good times he/she have spent with their family members or friends may aid one become more motivated to move on and find the happiness again in the future with his/her new friends. However, when looking back at the past changes from reminiscence to nostalgia, it may become a harm for the person may get a little too engrossed in it's past and do not want to move on. In the story, Mrs Li did look back to the extent that she could not differentiate the past from now, and it is a bad habit already.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Choose two stories that reveal the thinking of an older generation of Singaporeans: What new insights have you gained from such a revelation.

The Move

This story is about a family shifting into another apartment. Madam Teo, mother of Jimmy and Tommy, wanted to bring along her sentimental items, which her children opposed of doing so, because they said that the items that she brought was run-down and that they can buy a new one to replace it. For example, the pomegrante tree that symbolises the family's generation. During the period when they are growing up, they waited for the fruits to turn red. But now, the pomegranate tree has already grown so big, and they do not want it anymore.This shows that young people do not treasure and care about their history, whenever they get something new, they will be oblivious to the past things. Whereas most people of the older generation treasures everything they have, mostly because they experience more hardship than the younger generation.

Just like Madam Teo, she said : "Sadness was seeing your father-in-law in China lose all his rice fields when the communist took over. Sadness was watching your father crawl home after being bayonated by Japanese troops in 1942. Sadness was watching your pregnant mother succumb to malarial fever in occupied Singapore not having any drugs to allay her fever. Sadness was waking up in the darkness finding her not in her bed, going out to the rubber plantation to search for her, fearing, as she had threatened, that she would take a cold bath in the nearby pond. Sadness was finding her drowned pregnant formed by moonlight, and knowing that you had to be the one to run home to wake your father and tell him the news. Sadness forever after the funerals of mothers that her friends and cousins lost, which she could never attend, because they reminded her of how she lost hers."

Tanjong Rhu

Mr Lee is a wealthy businessman. He lives with his wife, daughter and mother. His mother sees things in a different perspective as she is old. When Mr Lee bought a binoculars for her and wanted to give her, she said : "Ahwah, things you can buy, I do not need." And Mr Lee said : "But you don't even know what it is." She said : "I know i have everything i need." This shows that Mr Lee's mother is easily satisfied with what she has. As long as she has her basic needs such as food, water, a clean place to stay, etc, she is satisfied. She doesn't want or need the lastest technology, but rather repeat the beautiful memories she had in her past, where she brought Mr Lee who was just a skinny little boy to Tanjong Rhu to count the ships, skipping pebbles on the waves. This shows that old people aren't so materialistic.

Choose 5 links and write comment of 50-100 words about the content of the blogs. (Not design/pictures/layout)You must identify yourself.

- Juvena
- Darius
- Brennan
- Genevieve
- Huiwen

Monday, January 18, 2010

How is motherhood presented in any two or three stories in the collection ?

The Martyrdom of Helena Rodrigues
Helena who is the mother of George, She may not be a perfect mother but she is willing to sacrifice to provide the best for George. When George was sixteen, he acquited his driving licence, and the keys of the family car. One day, when he took the car out all one afternoon, He forgotten that it was his mother's day to play bridge. Helena had been walking to the bus stop after he left for school each day, and slipping in before he came home, so that he will not be able to see her enduring those labour. When George when to dinner with his Uncle, Helena did not complain that she feels lonely so that George could enjoy his dinner and not worry about her.
Select two stories in which there is conflict between parent & child, & show how far there is some resolution of these differences at the end of the story.

Mid Autumn
The narrator is a very loving and dedicated mother. She stayed in her teaching job so that she could afford the best education for her daughter. She sent her to the best school in Singapore, and even paid money to sent her to Art, ballet, piano classes and chinese tuition although her husband was not willing to pay for the courses. Her daughter had qualifications to become a GP but she decided to be a missonary in Uganda. Much to her disappointment, every mid autumn festival she still continue to pray for her daughter's deliverance.

With reference to suitable stories , discuss how far change is shown to be either welcomed or feared .

This story shows the relationship between a Singaporean father and his Americanized daughter. His ex wife passed away and his daughter re-enters his life. The awkward, uneasy relationship between father and daughter dramatizes the clash between the "Asian" and "Western" culture, and finally his daughter welcomed the Asian culture.

How are young people and their ideals presented in two or three stories in the collection ? How far do you indentify with these young people ?

A History of Tea
This story is about TienYee and Beverly, it differentiates the high class from the middle class. TienYee's cousin Beverly, is someone who is very high class. She has a discerning taste for tea. She drinks her tea in a pot, trimmed at the top and base in a blue and gold pattern - Japanese imitating Royal Doulton, with matching cup, saucer, tiny jug of milk, a plated spoon and tea strainer on its own base, all produced on a gleaming tray with roses and briars worked onto the handles, compared to TienYee, who drinks tea in a tall mug with only blue on bamboo patterns and a cover to help it brew, beaded on its underside with water.

TienYee is very simple minded, he treats tea like tea while Beverly is very complex, she treats tea very importantly, which had to be served properly every single time.

The Move
This is story is about a family shifting into another apartment. Madam Teo, mother of Jimmy and Tommy, wanted to bring along her sentimental items, which her children opposed of doing so, because they said that the items that she brought was run-down and that they can buy a new one to replace it. For example, the pomegrante tree that symbolises the family's generation. During the period when they are growing up, they waited for the fruits to turn red. But now, the pomegranate tree has already grown so big, and they do not want it anymore.

This shows that young people do not treasure and care about their history. Whenever they get something new, they will be oblivious to the past things.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Story : Evening under Frangipani

Conflicts External – Elaine and Prakash fought because he laughed at her hands while she was being so romantic to him.
External – Elaine’s mother doesn’t really like Prakash. She thinks that he is slow and stupid, and even imagined him as physically aggressive.
Internal – Prakash wanted to give up, yet he didn’t, he went to look for Elaine in the end.

Climax - When Prakash laughed at Elaine’s hands and from then, she started to ignore him. And when Prakash found out that a man sent Elaine home.

Resolution - Complete Resolution.
Elaine did not want to see Prakash again.
Prakash decided not to be dependent on Elaine and decided if he was to meet Elaine again, it would be by chance. That was the end of their relationship.

Name Character Page No.
Prakash He is a nervous-wreck
(during job interview) Pg27
(Had to memorise what he was going to say for the interview) Pg49
(He was a platoon commander) Pg48
Father Not judgemental
(Gentle towards Prakash) Pg60
(Towards insects and bugs) Pg
Humble, Easy going
(Anxious for a quiet life) Pg55
Mother Judgemental
(Sees class difference) Pg
(Considered Prakash slow and stupid just because she was a lawyer and he just passed his diploma) Pg48, 83
(Trying to appear not smug but concerned) Pg84
Elaine Strong Willed
(Doesn’t want to talk to Prakash although she misses him) Pg63
(Just because Prakash laughed at her hands, she resolved not to see him again) Pg62, 63
(Ignore calls from Prakash) Pg64
Story: Evening under Frangipani

The most interesting part I find in this story was when Prakash went to look for Elaine after they fought, and he found that another guy actually sent Elaine home. What was Prakash thinking during that moment? Did he regret and felt guilty during that moment where he laughed at Elaine’s hands and said they felt like beetles? Did he actually want to ask Elaine out again before he saw what had happened?

Story: Lee

Conflicts External – Li Wen’s father did not like her dressing and they argued about it.
External – Li Wen did not believe in God, whereas her father believed so, and he wanted her to believe in it too.
Internal – Li Wen’s father tried to make her look like a local, but it was harder than he thought.

Climax - When Li Wen didn’t talk to her father for 2 weeks, except in tones of exaggerated politeness.

Resolution - Open ended Resolution.
We do not know if Li Wen had finally listen to her father in the end, as it said he could still see the lighted window hovering in a corner of his mind. And in literature, a light could mean anything.

Name Character Pg No.
Father Caring
(He allowed Li Wen to live with him, instead of leaving her alone after her mother, which was his ex-wife, drowned accidently.) Pg85, 86
(When Li Wen shouted at him, he endured and did not make a huge fuss out of it.) Pg98
(He tried to interest Li Wen in her culture and talk about Chinese stories during dinner.) Pg102
Li Wen Rude
(She keeps swearing, for example, What the hell and Jesus Christ.) Pg103
Straight forward
(When her father mentioned about her mother, blaming her mother for his daughter’s behaviour, she just answered back: “That’s sick.” without thinking.) Pg103
(She lost her temper and gave her father a twisted, half sneer, James Dean scorching look, heavily nasty.) Pg97

The most interesting part I find in this story was when Li Wen started living with her father after not meeting each other for eight years and how she slowly changed herself to adapt in Singapore. Even trying to accept her own Chinese culture after living in America since she was young and mixing with them. And how she coped with her mother’s death, moved on with her life and everything with her father.

Story : Release

Conflicts :
Eileen & the Female Neighbour (Pg 140 & 141)
- The neighbour compared Eileen together with their dog as they were both pregnant , this showed a form of disrepect .
Eileen & her Husband (Pg 140 & 141)
- Her husband was irritated by the fact that Eileen forgotten to collect his suit .
Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 141)
- They cut down her guava tree while she was at the supermarket .
Eileen & her neighbours (Pg 142)
- They moved into their property when they were away .
Eileen & her husband (Pg 143)
- Philip was angry over the fact that Eileen were taking trival matters so seriously .

Climax : (Climax ; Pg 145 & 146)
- When Eileen couldn’t take it any more , she decided to do something about it , she decided to wait for the person who gave the dogs their food , to do something to solve the problem .
Resolution : Open – Ended (Pg 148)
- The problem is only partially solved . It is only partially solved because , the dogs are quiet now , but they are already dead as the man used the tools to kill them .

Characters :
1) Eileen

Friendly (Pg 139)
- She went over to say hi to her new neighbours when they were moving in .
Petty (Pg 142)
- Her neighbour only intruded a small section of her garden and she became all furious and agitated .
Patient (Pg 144)
- She talks and rock her baby even though it keeps crying .

2) Philip
Petty (Pg 141)
- Just because it slipped Eileen’s mind to collect his suit , he became angry .
Understanding (Pg 143)
- He was telling Eileen to let their neighbours to have that tiny bit of space since they don’t do gardening anyway .

3) The man who took care of the dogs
Kind (Pg 146)
- He offered to carry Eileen’s baby , and he even stroked the baby’s cheek .
Understanding (Pg 147)
- He agreed to shift the dogs to another place , to help Eileen solve her problem .
Evil (Pg 148)
- He killed the puppies one by one to silence them .

The most interesting segment is when Eileen gotton very fustrated / angry with the dog’s noise . She couldn’t take it anymore for any longer , she called the police to help & even thought of calling the spca to help resolve the problem . Calling the police to solve this trival matter , is a little uncommon . She was showing signs that she was slowly becoming mad because all she wanted , is to let her & her baby to catch some sleep .

Story : Pastime

Conflicts :

Mr Lee & Tai Poh (External)
- There was a psychological conflict as they try to trick each other into admitting to something .
Mr Lee & Tai Poh (Internal)
- Mr Lee was laughing on on the inside as he thinks that he thinks that Tai Poh has failed in trying to fool him .

The start of the climax is when Mr. Lee started on his own “Story”

Resolution :
Nothing changed as its just a story, it was just a past time and nothing was real .

Characters :
Tai Poh

Quiet (Pg 212)
- He did not talk to the passengers nor disturb them in any way.
Observant (Pg 212)
- He watched and carefully considered before he picked the person to feature in his story .
Secretive (Pg 217)
- He stopped to check his face , it betrayed nothing nor let anyone know anything through his face expressions .

Mr Lee
Vigilant (Pg 216)
- He was prepared .
Cunning (Pg 217)
- It betrayed nothing and he expected it , he was not simple minded . After living through so many years this way , he could not be simple minded .

The most interesting segment is when Mr Lee started his story about the man that works as a security manager in a large wafer fab plan . He talked about how important the job of a security guard is and he then goes on about the plan to make a lot of money ,which is enough for a few people to retire . I think it’s the most interesting part of the story is when Mr Lee was telling his story , we can see how Tai Poh’s expressions change from laid back to guilty and frightened . As though he was scared of being tricked into admitting to something he shouldn’t .

Story : A History Of Tea

Conflicts :
Cimax :
Resolution : Complete Ending
- All the conflicts are resolved and when the narrator opened his cup of tea , he saw his relatives and the life that would appear before him before it happened .

Characters :

Simple (Pg 108)
- He did not use a mug that had complicated patterns , whereas Beverly used a mug that was beautiful and had fanciful designs on it .

Funny ; Good sense of humour (Pg 109)
- She laughed at a joke , “not my cup of tea” .

The most interesting segment is when Beverly had a good sense of humour , she made a joke about the cup of tea , of being not her “cup of tea” .

Story : An Orbituary For Fifth Aunt Came Late

Conflicts :
Aunt (Internal)
- She shocked herself with her power of speech . She could only calm herself down with a trip to the sink , plowing her hands into dishes and dish-soiled water .
Mother & Her Children (Pg 152)
- The mother contionously bewailed her lot of nine children , thirteen is you counted the dead babies with endless chores and drudgery .
Mother & Husband (External) (Pg 152)
- The tight-lipped husband who positioned himself at the dinner-table-the-bed-out-the-front-door , who even she stopped simpering to when he opened his mouth and said “tea” or “hungry already” , and it then fell upon her to break the code .
Aunt & Her Mother (External) (Pg 152)
- When she was six years old, my aunt developed a bronchial cough that wouldnt go away even after taking weeks of murky, dark brews . The concoctions were so foul-smelling (smelly) and bitter and no amount of sugar could make them palatable . Don’t waste our sugar , her mother said , your brothers need the sugar for their school sandwiches .
Climax :
Resolution :

Characters :
Fifth Aunt

Fillial (Pg 149)
- My aunt was in her fifties , she lived in my grandmother’s house .
Un-Feminine (Pg 150)
- She used her hand to wipe her upper lip instead of using a hankerchief .
Caring (Pg 150)
- She would put others before herself , she would fill everyone’s bowl before filling hers .

Disrespectful (Pg 149)
- She was my aunt , but I didn’t make it a point to be her niece .
Nonchalance (Pg 149 – 150)
- I suppose I couldn’t be heard , so I didn’t think very much either .

Whiny (Pg 152)
- The mother contonously bewailed her lot of nine children .

Traditional (Pg 152)
- She preferred boys and showed favourtism , she said don’t waste our sugar , your brothers need the sugar for their sandwhiches .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010